The Numbeo Pollution Index creates a yearly list of polluted cities across the world, based on the perceptions of visitors to those countries that then fill our surveys on the Numbeo site. Visitors are asked to answer a number of questions and to rate their experiences on a scale ranging from -2 (strongly negative) to +2 (strongly positive). Statistics and data is also included from organisations such as the World Health Organisation and other reputable institutions.
2019’s results saw Tirana rise 16 places up the list, signifying that its problem with pollution has got significantly worse, not better when compared with 2018.
The only other city in South Europe to surpass Tirana in terms of pollution was Tetovo, Macedonia which ranks as number two in the world, just behind Accra, Ghana. Tirana is considered more polluted than Bangalore, India, Shanghai, china, Alexandria, Egypt, and Naples, Italy.
Numbeo considers air pollution as the number one determining factor, followed by water pollution and each country is assigned a score out of a possible 100, with 100 being the highest level of pollution possible. Tirana scores 82.83, exhibiting only a marginal difference between Tetovo with its score of 96.85. The least polluted cities on the list include Reykjavik, Iceland (14.73), Canberra, Australia (13.95), and Helsinki, Finland (13.01).
Jan. 27, 2019., 22:46 •
Edi Rama lügt wieder herum. Er gab eine Genehmigung für Öl Bohrungen im Zagora National Park, wobei Shell der übelste Umwelt Verbrecher der Welt ist, wo schon die US Mafia mit Bankers Petroleum enorme Umwelt Verbrechen beginnen u.a. mit Fracking. Proteste der Anwohner, weil niemand sie gefragt hat. und Malltezi, über die geheimen Verträge mit Shell wie im Mafia Stile und dann lügen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFu0YjHdB44 Die Ministerin sieht sich nun diesen Wasserkraftwerks Bau an in der Schlucht von Holtes, ebenso im National Park gebaut von Gramsh