Netter Skandal, weil sich er Major unerlaubt im Ausland aufhielt, um Drogen Flüge zuübernehmen. Dubiose Reisen in das Ausland, oft unerlaubt ist bei Albanischen Militärs normal.
Major Sokol Feka, Ausbilder der Albanischen Luftwaffe auf dem Fark Luftwaffen Stützpunkt bei Tirana, kam bei dem Absturz in Süd Spanien um, als der aus Morokko kommend 1 Tonne Cannabis nach Spanien fliegen wollte.
Nov. 09, 2018., 17:12 •
Albanian Goverment Turns Blind Eye to Human Rights Abuse in MEK Camp
A recent report from The Guardian has uncovered systematic human rights abuse in the Albanian camp of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), a former Iranian terrorist organization exiled from Iraq to Albania. As Exit has reported over the last years, multiple high-ranking US politicians have visited the MEK in Albania, as US administration's interest...
Terrorists, cultists – or champions of Iranian democracy? The wild wild story of the MEK
Maryam Rajavi in Tirana, Albania in September 2017. Photograph: NurPhoto via Gettynavy
Nov. 11, 2018., 17:47 •
Albaner Gangs in Britanien, wobei jede Art von Handel, Produktion und Export Import nur der Tarnung von Drogen Transporten dient Foto Serie, über die Tarn und Transport Möglichkeiten in UKAlbanian drug gang flaunts proceeds from evil UK trade

200 seized in force's blitz on county lines drug mules menace

‘Violent’ traveller gang jailed after police uncover drugs and guns
They are said to be behind a spike in the purity of cocaine coming into Britain and the National Crime Agency believes Albanian gangsters' ability to import huge amounts of cocaine has led to the surplus that saw the so-called "county lines" phenomenon develop.
County lines is a term used for organised drug dealing networks, usually controlled by a person in an urban location, who distributes drugs across a county via runners.
A spokeswoman for the NCA added: "Albanian crime groups have established a high profile and degree of influence within UK organised crime, and have considerable access to the UK drug trafficking market, particularly cocaine.
"They are also expanding and their prominence is increasing."
Albanians are now the third biggest nationality in UK prisons - behind Britons and Pakistanis.

Pictures include gun-toting gangsters in luxury cars (Image: INSTAGRAM)
Many of the gang members are the children of Albanians who came to the UK as asylum seekers from the north of the Balkan country in the late 1990s.
Embracing gangster rap, they shamelessly flaunt the spoils of their crimes in photos and videos on social media sites.
The Hellbanianz, who also make Albanian rap music glorifying drugs and violence under the same name, have shot videos showing guns on tables with boxes of ammunition, surrounded by cash.
Their motto is We Are God Of The Streets.
One video showing two hand guns is captioned: "Hellbanianz ready for violence."

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London gang violence threatens to spread to every UK town
Another shows a line of 38 £1,000 bundles of £20 notes.
Others show wads of notes stashed around the interiors of performance sports cars.
Some wear balaclavas but most are happy to show their faces.
One gang member is pictured holding a shotgun on Facebook with the translated caption: "I hold this all the time because I have to do things every day. Yes, it's dangerous but still the only friend."
Jailed members of the gang have posted images of themselves larking about with friends in their cells while they smoke drugs.
One gang member, nicknamed Pato, bragged on Instagram: "The jail has become like a home and Amsterdam caff."
Pictures show cells with TVs and inmates tucking into fresh fruit, fizzy drinks and crisps.
It is illegal for prisoners in the UK to have access to mobile phones or to post on social media.
After taking control of much of the drug supply in south-east England, including home-grown cannabis production, Albanian gangsters have moved to the Midlands where 140 were arrested last year.
The agency believes the surplus of drugs is also fuelling deadly turf wars across the capital, resulting in scores of knife and gun deaths so far this year.
BRAZEN Albanian gangsters based in London are posting pictures of weapons, wads of cash and expensive cars as they flaunt the proceeds of their cocaine dealing.Hellbanianz show off guns and cars on social media
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BRAZEN Albanian gangsters based in London are posting pictures of weapons, wads of cash and expensive cars as they flaunt the proceeds of their conavy
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25 Nëntor, 08:14 Saimir Taullau goditet me automatik në lokalin e tij në rrethrrotullimin e Plugut. I vëllai, Baki Taullau u vra në vitin 2005, ndërsa Saimiri ka lidhje të ngushta me Laert Haxhiun që akuzohet si atentatori i nipit të Aldo Bares. Ai u arrestua në vitin 2015 me Laert Haxhiun dhe në përgjimet me një person të quajtur Kastriot Zaimir, Taullau shihet se ka patur një rol aktiv në ngritjen e alibisë për të shpëtuar nga burgu.