Britische Medien berichten, das Albanisches Ex-Militär in Spanien, den Drogen Import, Verteilung, Hinrichtungen, Morde, Erpressung kontrollieren

NATO Land pure! Inklusive Morde, Überfälle, auch auf Geld Transporter durch Militär man ist in einem NATO Staat.

– In einer Analyse, die die albanische Armee Oberst Dilaver Goxhaj bitter gemacht behauptet, dass Albanien keine Armee hat, obwohl es ein Land der NATO zu sein. Das Militär wurde unter Salih Berisha gründlich zerstört, nur noch Idioten befördert, die möglichst korrupt sein mussten.

Der Chef Ausbilder der Albanischen Luftwaffe, flog persönlich Drogen von Marroko, nach Spanien, bis er erwischt wurde und bei der Flucht abstürzte. Leibwächter für Top Kriminelle die Spezial Kommandos und nachdem die NATO Idioten auch noch die Marine Akademie vor 10 Jahren geschlossen haben, finden die Albaner Niemanden mehr, die Boote fahren kann, nur noch selbst ernannte Nonsens Leute, welche im System der Deutschen, mit Betrugs Beratungs Firmen wie McKinsey, Anderson Consult in Nachfolge, auch die IT Dinge des Militärs regeln, inklusive das man die neue Küstenwach Stelle mit Radaren in den Dienst der Albaner und Süd Italienischen Mafia stellte. Man hat sogar einen Deutschen Militär Berater in Tirana, was wohl im Zirkus der gut dotierten Posten, für nutzlose Leute, Alles erklärt.


Bombings, torture and executions in restaurants – Inside the blood-soaked gang wars terrorising Scots in ‘Wild West’ Spanish resorts

The coastline’s underbelly of violence has exploded onto city streets in recent months, resulting in a wave of executions, bombings and barbaric gangland slayings

Da Chaos im Albanischen Militär, nun seit über 10 Jahren, wenn die dümmste Mafia übernimmt

Militär Attaches, Quoten Frauen, die Heroin Import aus der Türkei persönlich organisieren.

Spektakulärer Mord in Tirana rund um den Mafiosi: Ervin Matinaj und Spezial Kommando Offizier: Merviol Bilo im „Blok“

Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Albanischer Armee Major, stürzt in Süd Spanien mit einer Tonne Drogen aus Marokko ab

Netter Skandal, weil sich er Major unerlaubt im Ausland aufhielt, um Drogen Flüge zuübernehmen. Dubiose Reisen in das Ausland, oft unerlaubt ist bei Albanischen Militärs normal.

Rrëzohet një avion me drogë në Spanjë, vdes piloti, MM: Piloti shtetas shqiptar, pjesë e FA me gardën "Major"
Major Sokol Feka, Ausbilder der Albanischen Luftwaffe auf dem Fark Luftwaffen Stützpunkt bei Tirana, kam bei dem Absturz in Süd Spanien um, als der aus Morokko kommend 1 Tonne Cannabis nach Spanien fliegen wollte.

Der Major Sokol Feka, Ausbilder in der Lufwaffen Schule von Fark, stürzt mit einer Tonne Drogen in Süd Spanien tödlich ab
Fast eine Tonne Drogen an BordHelikopter voll Haschisch stürzt über Spanien ab

Marokko, Málaga, Spanien, Haschisch, Drogenschmuggel, Hubschrauber

AFP Der verunglückte Helikopter, der mit fast einer Tonne Drogen beladen war.

Ein mit Hunderten Kilo Haschisch beladener Hubschrauber ist in Spanien abgestürzt. Zwei Menschen an Bord wurden getötet. Immer wieder werden in Spanien Drogen auf dem Luftweg geschmuggelt – mit getarnten Helikoptern, um nicht am Radar zu erscheinen.

Ein mit Haschisch beladener Hubschrauber ist im Süden Spaniens abgestürzt. Beide Piloten seien bei dem Absturz im Bergdorf Cortes de la Frontera in der Region Málaga ums Leben gekommen, teilte die Polizei am Mittwoch mit. Der Helikopter sei in der Nacht zum Dienstag gegen einen Strommast geprallt.

„Wir untersuchen derzeit, wie viel Haschisch an Bord war“, sagte ein Polizeisprecher. Die Regionalzeitung „Málaga Hoy“ sprach von bis zu 900 Kilogramm Drogen. Der Hubschrauber war demnach zur Tarnung schwarz lackiert. Woher das Haschisch stammte, blieb zunächst unklar.

Im Tiefflug durch die Bergtäler

In den vergangenen Jahren waren mehrere Drogenhändlerringe zerschlagen worden, die auf dem Luftweg Drogen aus dem nahe gelegenen Marokko nach Südspanien schmuggelten.

Sie durchqueren mit Hubschraubern im Tiefflug die Bergtäler um die Stadt Ronda, um von den Radaranlagen nicht entdeckt zu werden.

Spanien ist wegen seiner Nähe zu Nordafrika ein wichtiges Einfallstor für den europäischen Drogenmarkt. Seit Juni 2013 konfiszierten die spanischen Behörden bei ihren Einsätzen mehr als hundert Tonnen Haschisch. Zudem ist Spanien ein wichtiger Umschlagplatz für Kokain aus den ehemaligen Kolonien in Südamerika.

FOCUS Online/Wochit Diese App verrät Ihnen, wann Ihr Flugzeug abstürzt

Ish-ushtarë shqiptarë pjesë e bandave kriminale në plazhet luksoze spanjolle

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Vendpushimet spanjolle kanë qenë për dekada të njohura si vende famëkeqe për krerët e grupeve kriminale, duke frymëzuar filma dhe shfaqje televizive si “Sexy Beast” dhe “The Night Manager”.

Por në vijën bregdetare ka shpërthyer papritmas dhuna, duke rezultuar me një valë ekzekutimesh, sulme me bomba dhe vrasje barbare nga bandat.

Emigrantët britanikë kanë thënë për “The Sun Online” se shumë banorë kanë frikë për jetën e tyre pasi vala e dhunës po përhapet në destinacione turistike, duke përfshirë Benidorm, Malaga, Marbella dhe Estepona.

Policia tregon për lehtësinë me të cilën kriminelët mund të fshihen në pronat e mëdha anonime të banimit, të cilat janë aq të zakonshme në zonat e Kosta del Sol si një nga atraksionet.

Ekspertët gjithashtu besojnë se bandat e reja nga 13 vende të ndryshme – duke përfshirë kartelet e drogës kolumbiane, ish-ushtarët nga Shqipëria dhe degët e mafies së frikësuar ruse – janë përgjegjës për shumicën e gjakderdhjes.

Ignacio Carrasco, sekretar i përgjithshëm i shoqatës së Gardës Civile në Malaga, tha: “Unë mendoj se jemi në një spirale të dhunës, e cila vetëm sa do të përkeqësohet. Bandat po përdorin bomba”.

Shifrat e Ministrisë së Brendshme spanjolle tregojnë se në vitin 2016 kishte 440 grupe të regjistruara të krimit të organizuar në mbarë vendin – viti i fundit për të cilin janë në dispozicion shifrat zyrtare.

Ndërsa mbi 100 grupe të krimit të organizuar janë të bazuara në dy qytetet më të mëdha të Spanjës dhe Barcelonës, Malaga – së bashku me krahinën fqinje të Cadizit dhe krahinat bregdetare të Valencias dhe Alicante, operojnë rreth 51-100 grupe kriminale.

/Ora News

An der University of New York Tirana hatte sie internationale Beziehungen gelehrt.[1],  aber real berichtete die New York Times (In Albania, Can a U.S. Diploma Deliver? New York Times 2012), das es keine Lizenz der New Yorker Universität für die Tirana je gab. Eine Phantom Mafia Uni, was normal ist, wo Viele geschlossen wurden. Bis heute aktiv
Deputetja e PS, Olta Xhacka, duke folur gjate nje konference shtypi, ku ka komentuar ne lidhje me pjesmarrjen e gruas ne politike./r/n/r/nLawmaker, Olta Xhacka, speaks during a press conference, where she commented on the participation of women in politics.
Olta Xhacka,
Typsiches Georg Soros Produkt des Betruges über „Mjfat“ und korrupter EU Kreise mit G-99, wie auch Bosch Stiftung, Erste Stiftung. Olta Xhacka, ist uralter Kommunisten Hochadel, ebenso Ex-Schwieger Tochter des Super Betrügers, Gangsters. der Pyramid Firma: von Gani Kadrise und der Ehefrau: Shemsije Kadrisë, Pyramid Firma “Gjallica”, ein ganz übler Betrugs Laden vor 20 Jahren. In Folge Betrugs Firmen, des Shmesje Kadrise, war Olta Xhacka, Managerin, Teilhaberin, bis Shemsije Kadrise zuletzt 2013 verhaftet wurden, wegen Betrug. Letzte Verhaftung 2013,  Ihr Ehemann und Vater sind ein Langzeit Ga




  • Balkansurfer
    Nov. 09, 2018., 17:12 •


    Albanian Goverment Turns Blind Eye to Human Rights Abuse in MEK Camp

    A recent report from The Guardian has uncovered systematic human rights abuse in the Albanian camp of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), a former Iranian terrorist organization exiled from Iraq to Albania. As Exit has reported over the last years, multiple high-ranking US politicians have visited the MEK in Albania, as US administration's interest...

    Terrorists, cultists – or champions of Iranian democracy? The wild wild story of the MEK

    Maryam Rajavi in Tirana, Albania in September 2017. Photograph: NurPhoto via Getty
    They fought for the Iranian revolution – and then for Saddam Hussein. The US and UK once condemned them. But now their opposition to Tehran has made them favourites of Trump White House hardliners. By Arron Merat
    Mostafa and Robabe Mohammadi came to Albania to rescue their daughter. But in Tirana, the capital, the middle-aged couple have been followed everywhere by two Albanian intelligence agents. Men in sunglasses trailed them from their hotel on George W Bush Road to their lawyer’s office; from the lawyer’s office to the ministry of internal affairs; and from the ministry back to the hotel. The Mohammadis say their daughter, Somayeh, is being held against her will by a fringe Iranian revolutionary group that has been exiled to Albania, known as the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, or MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq). Widely regarded as a cult, the MEK was once designated as a terrorist organisation by the US and UK, but its opposition to the Iranian government has now earned it the support of powerful hawks in the Trump administration, including national security adviser John Bolton and the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo. Somayeh Mohammadi is one of about 2,300 members of the MEK living inside a heavily fortified base that has been built on 34 hectares of farmland in north-west Albania. Her parents, who were once supporters of the group, say that 21 years ago, Somayeh flew to Iraq to attend a summer camp and to visit her maternal aunt’s grave. She never came back. The couple have spent the past two decades trying to get their daughter out of the MEK, travelling from their home in Canada to Paris, Jordan, Iraq and now Albania. “We are not against any group or any country,” Mostafa said, sitting outside a meatball restaurant in central Tirana. “We just want to see our daughter outside the camp and without her commanders. She can choose to stay or she can choose to come home with us.” The MEK insists Somayeh does not wish to leave the camp, and has released a letter in which she accuses her father of working for Iranian intelligence. “Somayeh is a shy girl,” her mother said. “They threaten people like her. She wants to leave but she is scared that they will kill her.” Since its exile from Iran in the early 1980s, the MEK has been committed to the overthrow of the Islamic republic. But it began in the 1960s as an Islamist-Marxist student militia, which played a decisive role in helping to topple the Shah during the 1979 Iranian revolution. Anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-American, MEK fighters killed scores of the Shah’s police in often suicidal street battles during the 1970s. The group targeted US-owned hotels, airlines and oil companies, and was responsible for the deaths of six Americans in Iran. “Death to America by blood and bonfire on the lips of every Muslim is the cry of the Iranian people,” went one of its most famous songs. “May America be annihilated.”
    Karwan Jamal Tahir, the Kurdistan regional government’s high representative in London, was a fighter for the Kurdish peshmerga in 1991. He told me that he remembers how the MEK arrived in the town of Kalar, about 93 miles (150km) south-east of Kirkuk, just after Saddam had lost control of the north of Iraq after the first Gulf war. “They came in Saddam’s tanks,” he said. “We thought they were returning peshmerga because the tanks were covered with portraits of Kurdish leaders … but they opened fire on the town … It was a big atrocity.”
    Maryam Rajavi and Rudy Giuliani at a ceremony in Tirana in March marking the Iranian new year.
    Maryam Rajavi and Rudy Giuliani at a ceremony in Tirana in March marking the Iranian new year. Photograph: Alamy
    In the next decade, the MEK continued to fight against Iran. In 1992, the group launched concurrent attacks on Iranian diplomatic missions in 10 countries, including Iran’s permanent mission to the UN in New York, which was invaded by five men with knives. The MEK also settled more personal scores. In 1998, an assassin killed Asadollah Lajevardi, the former warden of Evin prison who had personally overseen the executions of thousands of MEK members. Back at Camp Ashraf, commanders would tell wavering members that if they escaped, they would face certain death at the hands of either Saddam or the Iranian authorities. “We were far away from the world,” one member, who only escaped the MEK after the move to Albania, told me. “We had no information. No television, no radio.” Instead, within the camp, they had “Mojahedin television”, which consisted of looped speeches by Maryam and Massoud Rajavi, played “all day long”. .............................................. In 2009, the UK delisted the MEK as a terror group. The Obama administration removed the group from the US terror list in 2012, and later helped negotiate its relocation to Albania. ..................................................
    In Deutschland verkauft man das dann als „Kampf gegen Terrorismus“, wo man vor aller Augen Partner ist. ***Alte Tradition im Auftrage der Amerikaner: Terroristen Partner, wie dieser Brief aus 1992 schon zeigt, an Addyl Latif Salih, der vollkommen untergetaucht ist.
    The MEK’s list of advocates, most who have admitted being paid, includes Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former Sen. Robert Torricelli, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, former CIA Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations John Sano, former National Security Advisor James Jones, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Richard Myers, former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card, Gen. Wesley Clark, former Rep. Lee Hamilton, former CIA Director Porter Goss, senior advisor to the Romney campaign Mitchell Reiss, Gen. Anthony Zinni, former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, former Sen. Evan Bayh, and many others. ………….. Ober Terroristen Financier und Partner: John McCain in Tirana und im Kosovo. in Syrien mit den übelsten Terroristen Chef, auf dem Maidan mit dem Chef der Nazi Todesschwadronen unterwegs. Der von den USA, John McCain finanzierte Albanische ISIS Terrorist und Kopf Abschneider: Idajet Balliu wurde getödet. Wie die Geschichte zeigt und die Fakten, einer der übelsten US Amerikaner, immer mit Kriminellen und Terroristen unterwegs, welche vor Kinder Mord nicht zurückschrecken. [youtube] Das US Super Mafia Hotel „Bel Conti“ in Golem blockiert die Abwasser Systeme bei Durres Wo Saudi oder MEK Terroristen sich einfach jeden Politiker kaufen können. مزدور مریم رجوی و اربابان صهیونیست UANI, Joe Lieberman and the MEK (Mojahedin Khalq) Intercept: MEK Has All Trappings of Totalitarian Cult
    A recent article in The Intercept describes the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) as a “totalitarian cult,” loved by US foreign policy hawks. Only recently, a former FBI director and US Senator John McCain visited the MEK in exile in Albania.
    Wo viel Geld ist machen viele mit, sogar der Katholische Kardinal, denn Geld ohne Ende hat die älteste Terroristen und Verbrecher Organisation der Welt [youtube] Vize Innenministerin Elona Gjebrea, darf auch kostenlos essen beim Fest. Erhält mit Sicherheit genügend Bestechungsgeld, das nun die Shopping Tour ansteht. It is known that over the past three years, the MEK have already developed relations with criminal gangs and corrupt government officials. Newroz Fest Albanische Experten und Medien warnen vor der US finanzierten Terror Organisation MEK in Albanien und Warum die US Ratten nach Tirana kommen: man will die Kurdischen – Iranischen MEK Terroristen in Tirana auf 2.000 aufstocken Promotet von vollkommen korrupten CDU Politikern, der Kurdische Barzani Verbrecher Clan, direkt von Steinmeier, mit illegalem General Konsulat in Berlin. Die korrupte US Politik Klasse, welche sich bezahlen liess von der reichsten Verbrecher Organisation der Welt: Hillary Clinton kassierte am meisten BBC Newsnight: Mujahideen-e-Khalq Terrorist MeK MKO – Part 1 Die Lobby Gangster Truppe, inklusive Wesley Clark, Tom Ridge. Bolton usw..der Mafia Vertreter: Albanische Experten und Medien warnen vor der US finanzierten Terror Organisation MEK in Albanien Hillary Clinton Die CDU erneut vorneweg, wenn man Langzeit Kriminelle Drogen- Mord- und Waffen Clans nach Deutschland holt und hat auch hier Namen und immer der Durchgeknallten Kaste des Hirnlosen Nichts aus NRW: Julia Klöckner, wo die Kurdischen Verbrecher Clans, dann ungehindert in Deutschland einreisen können. Bei Geschäften rund um Waffen, Morden, die verrottete Lügen Partei CDU immer dabei.
    Julia Klöckner: Ms. Batul Soltani and Ms. Homeyra Mohammadnejad from Iran-Zanan association met Ms. Klockner in the “Landtag” building.

  • navy
    Nov. 11, 2018., 17:47 •

    Albaner Gangs in Britanien, wobei jede Art von Handel, Produktion und Export Import nur der Tarnung von Drogen Transporten dient Foto Serie, über die Tarn und Transport Möglichkeiten in UK  

    Albanian drug gang flaunts proceeds from evil UK trade

    BRAZEN Albanian gangsters based in London are posting pictures of weapons, wads of cash and expensive cars as they flaunt the proceeds of their cocaine dealing.Hellbanianz show off guns and cars on social media

    They are said to be behind a spike in the purity of cocaine coming into Britain and the National Crime Agency believes Albanian gangsters' ability to import huge amounts of cocaine has led to the surplus that saw the so-called "county lines" phenomenon develop. County lines is a term used for organised drug dealing networks, usually controlled by a person in an urban location, who distributes drugs across a county via runners. A spokeswoman for the NCA added: "Albanian crime groups have established a high profile and degree of influence within UK organised crime, and have considerable access to the UK drug trafficking market, particularly cocaine. "They are also expanding and their prominence is increasing."
    Albanians are now the third biggest nationality in UK prisons - behind Britons and Pakistanis.


    Pictures include gun-toting gangsters in luxury cars (Image: INSTAGRAM)
    Many of the gang members are the children of Albanians who came to the UK as asylum seekers from the north of the Balkan country in the late 1990s. Embracing gangster rap, they shamelessly flaunt the spoils of their crimes in photos and videos on social media sites. The Hellbanianz, who also make Albanian rap music glorifying drugs and violence under the same name, have shot videos showing guns on tables with boxes of ammunition, surrounded by cash. Their motto is We Are God Of The Streets. One video showing two hand guns is captioned: "Hellbanianz ready for violence."
    Another shows a line of 38 £1,000 bundles of £20 notes. Others show wads of notes stashed around the interiors of performance sports cars. Some wear balaclavas but most are happy to show their faces. One gang member is pictured holding a shotgun on Facebook with the translated caption: "I hold this all the time because I have to do things every day. Yes, it's dangerous but still the only friend." Jailed members of the gang have posted images of themselves larking about with friends in their cells while they smoke drugs.
    One gang member, nicknamed Pato, bragged on Instagram: "The jail has become like a home and Amsterdam caff." Pictures show cells with TVs and inmates tucking into fresh fruit, fizzy drinks and crisps. It is illegal for prisoners in the UK to have access to mobile phones or to post on social media. After taking control of much of the drug supply in south-east England, including home-grown cannabis production, Albanian gangsters have moved to the Midlands where 140 were arrested last year. The agency believes the surplus of drugs is also fuelling deadly turf wars across the capital, resulting in scores of knife and gun deaths so far this year.  
    And Pakistani and Turkish groups are predominant in the heroin smuggling trade.

    Albanian drugs gang crime threatGETTY

    In prisons, Albanians made up the fifth largest foreign group
    Mr Horne added: “What is striking from this year’s assessment are the themes running through the crime types.

    Albanian drug gang flaunts proceeds from evil UK trade

    albanian drug gang london weapons cash cars cocaine dealing
    BRAZEN Albanian gangsters based in London are posting pictures of weapons, wads of cash and expensive cars as they flaunt the proceeds of their co

  • navy
    Feb. 02, 2024., 10:18 •


    • Attentat, auf einen Profi Kriminellen, der Bande von Aldo Bare gehörte, direkt mit seinem Bruder in Morde verwickelt war, mit Heroin erwischt wurde.Samir Taullau, aus Lushnje
    • Atentati në Lushnje/ Biznesmeni i plagosur, Saimir Taullau largohet nga spitali

      Burime për Report Tv, bëjnë me dije se 47-vjeçari është larguar mbrëmë nga spitali, pasi ka marrë ndihmën mjekësore. Nuk dihet ende nëse ai është larguar për shkak të përmirësimit të gjendjes së tij shëndetësore apo për arsye sigurie.
    • Plagosja e Saimir Taullaut/ U arrestua në 2015 bashkë me Laert Haxhiun, alibia që ngriti kur u kap me 1.2 kg heroinë

      Saimir Taullau goditet me automatik në lokalin e tij në rrethrrotullimin e Plugut. I vëllai, Baki Taullau u vra në vitin 2005, ndërsa Saimiri ka lidhje të ngushta me Laert Haxhiun që akuzohet si atentatori i nipit të Aldo Bares. Ai u arrestua në vitin 2015 me Laert Haxhiun dhe në përgjimet me një person të quajtur Kastriot Zaimir, Taullau shihet se ka patur një rol aktiv në ngritjen e alibisë për të shpëtuar nga burgu.
    „Soldaten“ von Kriminalität/Mord, Raub und Drogenhandel, Fälle der Beteiligung albanischer Aktivisten an kriminellen Netzwerken im Ausland (Namen) 02.02.2024 16:34 Wenn Soldaten ihre Uniform tragen, schwören sie auf das Land und die Flagge, doch nicht selten wird dieser Eid gebrochen und bestimmte Soldaten stehen auf der Gegenseite des Gesetzes. Bei Mafia-Morden durch Scharfschützen besteht der Hauptverdacht darin, dass der Täter ein guter Waffenbenutzer ist, konkrete Namen haben die Ermittlungen jedoch nicht ergeben. Andere wiederum waren im Ausland in kriminelle Handlungen verwickelt, entweder auf Missionen oder nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus der Armee. Der jüngste Fall wurde von der spanischen Polizei aufgedeckt, als sie eine von einem ehemaligen albanischen Soldaten angeführte Räubergruppe vernichtete. der an jedem Raubüberfall aktiv beteiligt war und stets eine Schusswaffe im Gürtel trug. Medienberichten in Spanien zufolge war es der Bande gelungen, 71 Raubüberfälle in der Gegend der Costa del Sol zu verüben, bei denen es sich um Luxushäuser und -villen handelte. Im Jahr 2022 wurden der ehemalige Kommandeur Kujtim Celiku und der Verkehrspolizist Florenc Bicerri in der Türkei wegen Drogenhandels verhaftet. Im September desselben Jahres wurde der ehemalige Kommandosoldat Anis Plaku zusammen mit zwei weiteren Landsleuten in Großbritannien festgenommen, nachdem sie mit Betäubungsmitteln im Wert von 300.000 Pfund erwischt worden waren. Während seines Aufenthalts in den Niederlanden wurde der albanische Soldat Ermal Dinoshi, der mehrere Male in Amerika und Kanada ausgebildet wurde, verhaftet, nachdem er von den örtlichen Behörden im Hirtenhaus erwischt worden war. Schwerwiegend war auch der Fall aus dem Jahr 2015, bei dem bei einem Flugunfall mit einem Hubschrauber, der mit einer Tonne Drogen beladen von Marokko nach Spanien flog, Major Sokol Feka, der den Stützpunkt Farka mit einer gewöhnlichen Genehmigung verlassen hatte, ums Leben kam. Viele Soldaten wurden im Land wegen schwerer Straftaten wie Raub, Terrordelikten, Waffen- und Munitionshandel, Körperverletzung und Mord festgenommen.

Wird geladen