Europa weite Demonstrationen, gegen die Verbrecher Regierung der EU, Angela Merkel
Das in der Geschichte einmalige Verbrecher Regime der Angela Merkel und EU Verbrecher Banden.
- Saskia Esken
- Bildunterschrift: Generationen kommen und gehen Ð der Charakterabschaum bleibt bestehen.
Das Ratten Treffen (NTI), für Lockdown in Europa, Chris Elias, Heiko Rottmann-Großner, Tim Evans, Jeremy Farrar in 2019 |
Aber jetzt, greift die Verbrecherische Polizei, friedliche Spazier Gänger an. Tränen Gas Angriffe, was hoch kriminell ist
Wollen wir den Super Deppen, von Schäuble angelernt, mit Betrugs Finanzen gut vertraut nicht vergessen. Diese Gestalt, eines Super korrupten Deppen, dreht mit ausl. Biowaffen Kriminellen die Lockdown Show
ens Spahn ernennt Schäuble-Vertrauten zum neuen Staatssekretär
Der Bundesgesundheitsminister holt sich mit Thomas Steffen einen erfahrenen Beamten in sein Ministerium. Die Personalie ist eine große Überraschung.
Jan Hildebrand
24.04.2019 –
Finanz Profi Gangster der den € ruinierte, Gangster Banken Tür und Tor öffente, und jedem Betrüger Markus Söder promotete den PCR Test Betrug, der nun in den USA die Notfall Zulassung verlor, ebenso die Verbrecher Organisation: RKI, Drosten mit der Charite. Roche COE, Die Test sind der totale Schrott, sowas kann man in der Garage entwickeln.
Roche-CEO: COVID19-Tests „Nichts wert – Zwei von uns könnten es über Nacht in der Garage tun“ mit Video
‚A disaster‘: Roche CEO’s verdict on some COVID-19 antibody tests
By John Miller
ZURICH (Reuters) – Some blood tests being marketed to tell people if they have had the new coronavirus are a „disaster“, Roche ROG.S Chief Executive Severin Schwan said on Wednesday as he prepares to launch the drugmaker’s own antibody test next month.
CDC entzieht die Notfallgenehmigung für den RT-PCR-Test, da er nicht zwischen SARS-CoV-2 und der Grippe unterscheiden kann
Von Brian Shilhavy
Globale Forschung, 26. Juli 2021
CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because It Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu
By Brian Shilhavy
Global Research, July 26, 2021
Aug. 01, 2021., 14:32 •
Judicial Watch reicht zwei neue Bundes-FOIA-Klagen ein, um Informationen zu COVID und das Wuhan Institute of Virology zu erhalten (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch gab heute bekannt, dass es gegen das Büro des Direktors des Nationalen Geheimdienstes (ODNI) und das Außenministerium Klagen nach dem Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) eingereicht hat, um Informationen über das Wuhan Institute of Virology und die Ursprünge von das SARS-CoV-2-Virus (Judicial Watch, Inc. gegen Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Nr. 1:21-cv-01515)), (Judicial Watch, Inc. gegen US-Außenministerium (Nr. 1:21-cv-01516)).
Judicial Watch Files Two New Federal FOIA Lawsuits for Information on COVID and Wuhan Institute of Virology
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the State Department for information on the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (No. 1:21-cv-01515)), (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:21-cv-01516)).
The lawsuit against the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was filed after it failed to respond to a March 11, 2021, FOIA request for all reports and records of communication dating back to June 1, 2017, regarding the Wuhan Institute of Virology and/or the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
On April 30, 2020, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a press release stating, “The entire Intelligence Community has been consistently providing critical support to U.S. policymakers and those responding to the COVID-19 virus, which originated in China.”
The lawsuit against the State Department was filed after it failed to respond to a March 10, 2021, FOIA request that asked for:
“We don’t trust either the Biden administration or the Deep State to voluntarily come clean on COVID and its possible connections to the Wuhan Institute,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuits could be the key to unraveling the truth about COVID and the Wuhan Institute.”
Last week, a Judicial Watch lawsuit uncovered HHS records that show that from 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. The records contain an email from Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, that details the relationship between the Fauci agency and the Wuhan Institute of Virology:
NIAID has been funding coronavirus work in China for the past 5 years … (1R01Al110964: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence”). That’s now been renewed … Collaborators include Wuhan Institute of Virology (currently working on the nCoV), and Ralph Baric [of the University of North Carolina].
On March 1, Judicial Watch uncovered emails and other records of Fauci and Dr. H. Clifford Lane from HHS showing that NIH officials tailored confidentiality forms to China’s terms and that the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted an unreleased, “strictly confidential” COVID-19 epidemiological analysis in January 2020. Additionally, the emails reveal an independent journalist in China pointing out the inconsistent COVID numbers in China to Lane.
In October 2020, Judicial Watch uncovered HHS records that included emails Fauci’s approval of a press release supportive of China’s response to the 2019 novel coronavirus.
On May 4, 2020, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against HHS seeking communications between Dr. Anthony Fauci, Lane, and WHO officials concerning the novel coronavirus. Mails decken weitere Zahlungen der US-Behörde für Infektionskrankheiten an das «Wuhan-Labor» auf
Anthony Faucis Behörde finanzierte neun Projekte zur Erforschung von Fledermaus-Coronaviren in Zusammenarbeit mit dem «Institut für Virologie in Wuhan». Von LifeSiteNews
Datum: 11. Juli 2021
Rubrik: Wissenschaft
Aug. 25, 2021., 22:52 •
Dez. 30, 2021., 07:58 •