Albanian President Ilir Meta has asked the High Judicial Council (KLGj) and the High Court to end the mandate of High Court judge and Chair of the Justice Appointments Council (KED) Ardian Dvorani.
In a letter Meta sent to the two institutions, he argued that Dvorani’s mandate is up and he has been replaced on the High Court.
KLGj gave Dvorani until 4 pm on Wednesday to give his opinion on the President’s request.
On July 9, 2019, KLGj announced three vacant spots on the High Court, one of which was that of Dvorani. On March 10, 2020, three new judges were appointed to the High Court, thus replacing judge Dvorani.
The end of Dvorani’s term as member of the High Court also implies the end of his term as Chair of KED, since the Constitution and the Law “on governing bodies of the justice system” provides that the KED Chair must be a member of the High Court.
The Albanian Constitution provides that “the end of the mandate of a judge is declared by a decision of the High Court.” Seeing as Dvorani is currently the head of the High Court, this is not very likely to happen. Consequently, President Meta requested the interference of the High Judicial Council.
Ardian Dvorani was appointed to the High Court in 2005. His 9-year term ended in February of 2014. Nonetheless, Dvorani has refused to give up his position, relying on obscure legal loopholes to remain on the High Court, even though the Constitutional Court has determined his term has ended.
Apr. 30, 2020., 05:40 •
Über das von der Berlin, der EU, NATO geschaffene Verbrecher Bündnis in Albanien, was die gesamte Gesellschaft zerstört hat und die Wirtschaft. Bis zum Betrugs Waffenhandel, und als Drogen Verteil Zentrum wie dem Kosovo, für die unter NATO Schutz stehenden Drogen Produktion und Küchen in Afghanistan und der Türkei.
11. April 2020 um 11:45
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Mai 27, 2020., 16:32 •
Ein echter Super Skandal, aber seit langem bekannt, das die EU, die USA oft nur einen korrupten und kriminellen Auftritt habrn. NATO, Pentagon, EU, Berlin, sind die grösste Verbrecher Organisation der Geschichte
Mai 31, 2020., 08:13 •
Durch die verbrecherische Ausschaltung des Verfassungsgerichtes, durch die IRZ-Stiftung, der Deutschen Justiz Idioten, die nicht einmal in Deutschland eine unabhängige Justiz haben, sondern ein Mafia Klientel System, hat nun die Venice Organisation der EU, das handeln von Ilir Meta bestätigt. die Entlassung von 2 Richtern, die illegal auf Posten, für Edi Rama sassen Komisioni i Venecias i ka dhënë fund dilemës se kush ka të drejtë për emërimet në Gjykatën Kushtetuese. Opinioni përfundimtar që pritet të zyrtarizohet në muajin qershor e thotë qartë se: Presidenti i Republikës nuk ka bërë asnjë shkelje me emërimin e Marsida Xhaferrllarit si anëtare e Gjykatës Kushtetuese. Jo vetëm kaq, por ekspertët e Venecias arrijnë në përfundimin kushtetues se vendimet e Parlamentit dhe Këshillit të Emërimeve të drejtuar nga Ardian Dvorani, janë në shkelje të hapur Kushtetuese dhe ligjore. Në këtë mënyrë, qeveria, Parlamenti dhe levat e saj në institucionet e reja të drejtësisë janë kapur sërish në krim kushtetues duke tentuar të uzurpojnë Gjykatën Kushtetuese.
Juni 12, 2020., 10:56 •
auf jeden Fall ist Dvorani nun zurueck getreten
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